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Since 1989, believers  emigrated from Taiwan have settled in Auckland, and started family gatherings. The Auckland Church was established in 1990 with the increase in the number of believers. They rented venues  from school halls for services. The church in Royal Oak was purchased in 1996 and in just a few years, the Word of God flourished here, and the number of believers increased rapidly.

自1989年起,教會信徒陸續從台灣移民到紐西蘭,定居在奧克蘭,開始家庭聚會。1990年成立奧克蘭教會,隨著信徒 人數的增加,向學校租場地聚會,並在 1996年在奧克蘭中區Royal Oak購買會堂 聚會。短短的幾年中,神的道在此興旺起 來,信徒人數快速增加。